Directions for linux and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS


Linux (unix) commands. 1

Commands you will need: 1

Editor 2

Ubuntu 14.04 lts. 3

Desktop. 3

Driver for graphics card. 3

Command prompt window.. 3

Searching for Needed Packages. 3

DosimetryCheck particulars. 3

Desktop Icon. 3

Hard drive permission. 4

Location files. 4

Number of Threads. 5

Redrawing of windows. 5

Packages needed. 5

Fonts. 5



Linux (unix) commands.

There are linux commands you must know.  See the link below for equivalent DOS and UNIX commands:

or do a search.


Commands you will need:

Given any command, type: “man ls” to get information about the command and all of its flags, just like “help dir” in Dos.


The command


shows your user name.



shows the path to the current directory you are in.


ls  is the list contents directory command equivalent to DOS dir.

ls  -l will list the permissions, owner, and group for each file, such as ls –l  *.txt will result in:

-rw-r--r--  1 DCUser None  21654 Feb 24  2014 XmNdialogStyle.txt

Where the owner is DCUser, the group is None.   The user (owner) has read write permission,

the group and other has only read permission.   The permissions -rwx------ is user only has read, write and execute permission.   A directory:  drwxrwxrwx starts with a d and aways has x permission.  

lsld dir_name 

shows for  the directory name instead of the contents of the directory name


The command

chown   DCUser  file_name

changes the owner of a file to the person name.  The command chgrp does the same for the group name.   Add the flag –R after the command will go down into all subdirectories if  you give a directory name.


The command

chmod  ugo+rw file_name

will make a file read and write for u (user),  g (any one in the same group), and o (other).

chmod u+x  file_name

will make a file executable for only the user.   Putting –R after the command will make the change for all files in sub-directories.   Putting – instead of + will remove the permission. 


cd  /home/DCUser

will change directory to the path indicated.


In Ubuntu, sudo  means do as super user and you will be prompted for the pass word.  sudo su will change you to super user.  Use exit to change back.   To go down a path you don’t have permission to, use sudo su.  sudo cd will not work.



You will have to be able to edit a text file.  I use the vi edit as it is easy to use and universally available.    Do a search on the web for instructions.    A few here:

vi  file_name

to edit the file.    Use the arrow keys to navigate around.    Hit i  to insert text, or a to append.  Type the text and hit the escape key to end the insertion.  Hit the x key to delete text where the cursor is.   dd deletes an entire line.  Hit control zz to save the file and exit.  Hit q! to exit without saving the file.  Hit w! to write the file out without exiting.   There are lots of other convenient commands for copying text and doing other things. 


Ubuntu 14.04 lts



The desktop is the program that provides what you see on the screen.  The default for ubuntu 14.04 lts is Unity.   I can also suggest going to a different desktop such as GNOME, the prior default desktop:   sudo  apt-get  install  gnome-session-fallback


Driver for graphics card.

Click the mouse on the top round icon on the left (they call it the “dash”).  Type “drivers” on the top line.  If the program reports a proprietary driver for the graphics card, select it to be installed.

Command prompt window

To get a command prompt window in Unity, you hit the control, alt, and t key on the keyboard.


Searching for Needed Packages

You will have to load packages.  To search for packages go to the link

Scroll down and notice that there are two modes provided, search package directories and search package contents.  Also pay attention to the search choices.  To load a package you type:

sudo  apt-get  install   name_of_the_package


DosimetryCheck particulars

Follow the install instructions on the install page.


Desktop Icon


Edit the file Desktop/DosimetryCheckTasks.desktop.  You can use gedit or vi:

gedit   Desktop/DosimetryCheckTasks.desktop


vi  Desktop/DosimetryCheckTasks.desktop


The file contents are:

[Desktop Entry]




Exec=/home/user_name/DosimetryCheckTasks -s




Edit the two lines to replace user_name with the correct login directory name.  Those two lines specify the path to the program DosimetryCheckTasks and to the icon image to use.  The –s flag tells DosimetryCheckTasks to write its output to a log file instead of standard out.


Do “ls  l   Desktop”  and check if the file is DosimetryCheckTasks.desktop is executable.  If not do:

chmod  ugo+x Desktop/DosimetryCheckTasks.desktop

and then to repeat the above ls command to check that it worked.  The icon for DosimetryCheckTasks should now be visible.  Clicking on it should run DosimetryCheckTasks


Hard drive permission.

Type the command

sudo blkid

to get the type for the hard drive.   If you see sda1 then it is sda.  It might be had.  You will have to edit the file

/etc/rc.local  and add the line:

chmod  o+r   /dev/sda

You will eventually have to reboot.


Location files.

In rl.dir are files that end in loc.  By default the paths are all relative to the home directory.  However, you may have to edit some of them to move the locations to other directories.


Number of Threads

Edit the file rl.dir/NumberOfThreads.txt to set the number of threads available on your system (if 64 core machine put in 63).  Put in one less then the number of threads as one thread, the main program, is already in use.  Put 7 for an I7.


Redrawing of windows.

sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager

Then run ccsm.  On the left select “Window Management”.  On the right select “Resize Window” .  To right click on “General” .  On “Default Resize Mode” select Outline instead of Normal.   Note button on left bottom to back up and then exit.


Packages needed.

apt-get install  libtiff5-dev

If you still come up missing libtiff, go to /usr/lib/x86-64-linux-gnu and do

sudo ln     

or from what ever libtiff file you have to the one you are missing.


sudo apt-get install libmotif-dev


sudo apt-get install  default-jre


You will have to search for any other packages that you come up missing and install them.



Sudo   apt-get   install   ttf-mscorefonts-installer

You will get an accept popup.  Use the left (or right) arrow keys to get to the OK button and hit enter to accept.   I had to reboot before the fonts could be found.