File: UbuntuNvidiaProcedures.doc
Date: 6 April 2009
Procedures for Ubuntu and Nvidia Graphics Card, in a Dual Boot System.
to load the nvidia driver:
the driver downloaded from nvidia:
commands for graphics information:
dual boot system remember the last boot as the default for the next boot:
and Writing from the Windows partition:
from Dosimetry Check and System 2100
Useful links are:
There is also another website just for partition hard drive which is also
very helpful:
and another for dual boot:
Make backup copy of sources.list in /etc/apt. Edit, uncomment two lines and add multiverse after universe. See example below.
You can either download the nvidia driver and install it yourself following nvidia’s instructions, or use a ubuntu package that will do the same for you. See loading the envyng-gtk package below from ubuntu. Using the ubuntu package seems to be the easiest way to go. However see the note below about removing other nvidia packages.
PNY website: Has specs on boards with more informative than nvidia offers. Help at 800-230-0130, 800-234-4597
Nvidia: Help at 408-486-2000, 408-486-2300
The packages nvidia-glx-new or nvidia-glx must be removed if the nvidia kernel is to be installed, either from nvidia or using envyng package. Envyng is described as getting the kernel from nvidia with a wrapper to install the kernel, rather than having to download it and do things like stopping X. See the alternate instructions for installing the nvidia driver below. But the rest of the following instructions for the nvidia driver might or might not be necessary. I am told not necessary if using envyng. Other driver packages are open source, not from nvidia, and currently do not support hardware acceleration of Open GL and are not to be used.
If you are going to install the driver yourself, use the below instructions. Otherwise go to the envyng.gtk package install.
From nvidia FAQ:
Debian GNU/Linux or [K]Ubuntu with Xorg 7.x
If you wish to install the NVIDIA Linux graphics driver on a Debian GNU/Linux
or Ubuntu system that ships with Xorg 7.x, please ensure that your system meets
the following requirements:
* development tools like make and gcc are installed
* the linux-headers package matching the installed Linux kernel is installed
* the pkg-config and xserver-xorg-dev packages are installed
* the nvidia-glx package has been uninstalled with the --purge option and the
files /etc/init.d/nvidia-glx and /etc/init.d/nvidia-kernel do not exist.
To remove and purge something:
sudo aptitude remove purge nvidia-glx-new
If you use Ubuntu, please also ensure that the linux-restricted-modules or
linux-restricted-modules-common packages have been uninstalled. Alternatively,
you can edit the /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules or
/etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common configuration file and disable the
NVIDIA linux-restricted kernel modules (nvidia, nvidia_legacy) via:
DISABLED_MODULES="nv nvidia_new"
Additionally, delete the following file if it exists (use ls -a to list files
that start with a period):
Please note: unfortunately, it has become difficult to keep track of the
pre-/post-installation steps required for [K]Ubuntu, and the above instructions
may be incomplete. If in doubt, it is recommended that you use your
distributor's NVIDIA Linux graphics driver packages, exclusively.
See above instructions Preparing to Load the Nvidia Driver.
You have to first stop X:
Type ctrl + alt + F1 to get a command prompt window if stopping gmd below does not give you a login prompt. F1 – F7 takes you to a different level. Not sure about this.
Login and then type:
Sudo /etc/ini.d/gmd stop
Then type:
sudo sh nvidia-driver
To restart X:
sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start
Note: Kubuntu has a different desktop program to stop and start.
ctrl+alt+F1 takes you back if necessary.
/etc/X11/xorg.conf file should be created.
At this time we need to enable the hardy-proposed repository as the drivers
have not yet gone mainstream. Do this by entering:
System > Administration > Software Sources
and checking the appropriate box on the Updates tab.
Once this is done, it is important not to upgrade your system. We will disable
-proposed once we install the driver.
However, we need to update our package list so those new drivers become
available. Now on the command line do:
sudo aptitute update
sudo aptitude install -y envyng-gtk
Then issue the command:
envyng –g
Click the mouse on the nvidia name on the left to get choices for nvidia. Select to select the driver manually. Select the latest driver. Visit the nvidia site to get the number for the latest driver..
An /etc/X11/xorg.conf file should be written out.
Then disable proposed.
This file can be edited by either running the utility nvidia-xconfig or editing it directly (you will have to use sudo). It might be very wise to first make a backup copy. There are settings that must be made. The below was from the 173.14.09 driver and might change with a later driver.
Useful nvidia-xconfig flags:
nvidia-xconfig -t
shows current setting.
nvidia-xconfig –A
lists help information.
Edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf to read:
Section "Screen"
Identifier "Default Screen"
Device "Configured Video Device"
Monitor "Configured Monitor"
Option "NoLogo" "True"
Option "Overlay" "True"
Option "CIOverlay" "True"
Option "OverlayDefaultVisual" "True"
Option "TransparentIndex" "0"
Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"
SubSection "Display"
Depth 24
Modes "nvidia-auto-select"
Defaultdepth 24
And further below in the file in the section "Extensions" set disable.
This setting is what made the driver work correctly for us, both in getting an overlay visual,
and in avoiding the desktop from crashing upon resizing the application window, or not all
the frames redrawing, or the screen freezing up for some time.
Section “Extensions”
Option "Composite" "Disable"
Reboot the computer (or X) after changes to xorg.conf
Make a backup copy of /boot/grub/menu.lst. Edit menu.lst
Change line:
default 0
default saved
And you need the tab between the default and saved entry. Otherwise the number is the title below that will be the default boot, counting from zero.
The line:
will be needed after each title that for it to be saved as the future default. I don’t think it matters where it goes but am not sure. The default gets written to file: default. See example file below.
List partitions on the hard disk with the command:
ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid
The UUID means Universally Unique IDentifier, and is implemented for mounting new SATA drives. Every partition have his own UUID, and this way is recognized by the system. The above command lists every partition on the system with its UUID.
The command: sudo fdisk –l
Will list partition information.
Add the below to the file /etc/fstab
partitons section
/media/windows_1 ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0
## End
of NTFS section
where UUID= is followed by the UUID found above. Create a directory for the mounting point, such as /media/windows_1 shown above. It could be /XP instead for example.
It is desirable to change the system so that the contents of a window are not shown during a window move. This is so that there are not expose events created in the underlying graphics windows of the main application. Some popups are not in the overlay planes if the popup contains a graphics window itself. If using the KDE desktop, the change can be found following preferences to mouse or window properties, similar to Microsoft Windows: “Do not show contents of windows during move”. In both cases, a wireframe is shown in the overlay planes instead. For the gnome desktop, there is not an accessible path from the desktop tools. Instead do the following:
Then hit ctrl-F and do a search for “/apps/metacity/general”. Then click the mouse on the same. On the right side scroll down to “reduced-resources” and check it. The feature will take effect immediately.
The file default.que in rl.dir should be set to “UseAdobe”. The file gs.loc in rl.dir must contain the path to ghostscrip: /usr/bin/ghostscript (or it might be simply gs). Finally, what ever program that can display a pdf file and will accept the pdf file path as an argument must be copied to the name acroread.exe in a directory that is search for commands. On Hardy Heron, copy /usr/bin/evince to /usr/bin/acroread.exe.
Follow the instructions for uncompressing and installing the software. You will have to use sudo to copy the library file to /usr/lib or /usr/lib32 as the case may be. We recommend that you create a login for the programs and deposit the run files into that directory. The disk top icon might not work with programs at a deeper level.
Right click on the desktop and select Create Launcher. Hit the browse button and select DosimetryCheckTasks. Then in the text field where the path to DosimetryCheckTasks is, add a space and then –s (hyphen s), so that –s is picked up as the first argument. This will direct standard out to a log file.
# deb
cdrom:[Ubuntu 6.06.1 _Dapper Drake_ - Release amd64 (20060807.1)]/ dapper main
cdrom:[Ubuntu 6.06.1 _Dapper Drake_ - Release amd64 (20060807.1)]/ dapper main
deb dapper main restricted
deb-src dapper main restricted
Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the
deb dapper-updates main restricted
deb-src dapper-updates main restricted
Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'universe'
## N.B.
software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu
team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to
## your
rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in
universe WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu security
deb dapper universe multiverse
deb-src dapper universe multiverse
Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'backports'
## N.B.
software from this repository may not have been tested as
extensively as that contained in the main release, although it includes
newer versions of some applications which may provide useful features.
Also, please note that software in backports WILL NOT receive any review
## or
updates from the Ubuntu security team.
# deb dapper-backports main restricted universe
deb-src dapper-backports main restricted
universe multiverse
deb dapper-security main restricted
deb-src dapper-security main restricted
# deb dapper-security universe
deb-src dapper-security universe
menu.lst - See: grub(8), info grub, update-grub(8)
# grub-install(8), grub-floppy(8),
# grub-md5-crypt, /usr/share/doc/grub
# and /usr/share/doc/grub-doc/.
default num
# Set
the default entry to the entry number NUM. Numbering starts from 0, and
# the
entry number 0 is the default if the command is not used.
# You
can specify 'saved' instead of a number. In this case, the default entry
# is the
entry saved with the command 'savedefault'.
WARNING: If you are using dmraid do not change this entry to 'saved' or your
# array
will desync and will not let you boot your system.
default saved
timeout sec
# Set a
timeout, in SEC seconds, before automatically booting the default entry
(normally the first entry defined).
timeout 10
# Hides
the menu by default (press ESC to see the menu)
Pretty colours
cyan/blue white/blue
password ['--md5'] passwd
# If
used in the first section of a menu file, disable all interactive editing
control (menu entry editor and command-line)
and entries protected by the
command 'lock'
# e.g.
password topsecret
# password --md5
password topsecret
# title Windows 95/98/NT/2000
# root (hd0,0)
chainloader +1
# title Linux
# root (hd0,1)
kernel /vmlinuz root=/dev/hda2 ro
# Put
static boot stanzas before and/or after AUTOMAGIC KERNEL LIST
lines between the AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST markers will be modified
## by
the debian update-grub script except for the default options below
## DO
NOT UNCOMMENT THEM, Just edit them to your needs
## ##
Start Default Options ##
default kernel options
default kernel options for automagic boot options
## If
you want special options for specific kernels use kopt_x_y_z
where x.y.z is kernel version. Minor versions can be omitted.
## e.g.
kopt=root=/dev/hda1 ro
## kopt_2_6_8=root=/dev/hdc1 ro
## kopt_2_6_8_2_686=root=/dev/hdc2 ro
kopt=root=/dev/hdb2 ro
default grub root device
## e.g.
should update-grub create alternative automagic boot options
## e.g.
## alternative=false
should update-grub lock alternative automagic boot options
## e.g.
## lockalternative=false
additional options to use with the default boot option, but not with the
## e.g.
defoptions=vga=791 resume=/dev/hda5
defoptions=quiet splash
altoption boot targets option
multiple altoptions lines are allowed
## e.g.
altoptions=(extra menu suffix) extra boot options
## altoptions=(recovery mode) single
altoptions=(recovery mode) single
controls how many kernels should be put into the menu.lst
## only
counts the first occurence of a kernel, not the
alternative kernel options
## e.g.
## howmany=7
should update-grub create memtest86 boot option
## e.g.
## memtest86=false
should update-grub adjust the value of the default booted system
## can
be true or false
## ##
End Default Options ##
title Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.15-28-amd64-generic
root (hd0,1)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-28-amd64-generic
root=/dev/hdb2 ro quiet splash
initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.15-28-amd64-generic
title Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.15-28-amd64-generic
(recovery mode)
root (hd0,1)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-28-amd64-generic
root=/dev/hdb2 ro single
initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.15-28-amd64-generic
title Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.15-27-amd64-generic
root (hd0,1)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-27-amd64-generic
root=/dev/hdb2 ro quiet splash
initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.15-27-amd64-generic
title Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.15-27-amd64-generic
(recovery mode)
root (hd0,1)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-27-amd64-generic
root=/dev/hdb2 ro single
initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.15-27-amd64-generic
title Ubuntu, memtest86+
root (hd0,1)
kernel /boot/memtest86+.bin
### END
# This
is a divider, added to separate the menu items below from the Debian
# ones.
title Other operating systems:
# This
entry automatically added by the Debian installer for a non-linux OS
# on
title Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
root (hd0,0)
chainloader +1
/etc/fstab: static file system information.
<file system> <mount point>
<type> <options> <dump> <pass>
proc /proc proc defaults 0
/ ext3 relatime,errors=remount-ro 0 1
/home ext3 relatime 0
none swap sw 0 0
/dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 0
partitons section
/media/windows_1 ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0
/media/windows_2 ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0
## End
of NTFS section