Program ReadIviewGTData


For pulling out images from

 iViewGT version 3.4.1 data base


15 Jan  2018


Introduction: 1

Requirements: 1

Notes: 2

Installation Instructions: 2

Install Zip file: 2

Install the Intersolv Dbase Drivers provided by Elekta. 2

Install Microsoft Distributables for 2013. 2

IviewGTDirectory.loc. 2

Gantry Angles for IMAT (VMAT) 4

Gantry Angle Spacing for IMAT (VMAT) 5

Running program ReadIviewQAData.exe. 6

Example run of the program: 7

Output Folder Directory: 10




This program is provided to replace IviewToDicom for the version 3.4.1 (and later) of the Elekta iViewGT EPID system.  The program is written under the Elekta Vendor Interoperability Program between Elekta and LifeLine Software.  The program will output integrated images in Dicom format for the program Dosimetry Check to read.



The dll files provided by Elekta require Microsoft .NET 4.5.2 or later.   This can be downloaded from Microsoft.


A license is required from Elekta by the iViewGT system in order to enable the communication between iViewGT and ReadIViewGTData.  Please contact your Elekta sales representative for assistance with this license.  If you do not have the license, you will not get images (our display of EPID images will all be blank) as the pixel factor will a large negative encrypted number (see excerpt from example _Frame.xml file below).  The Elekta license part number required for Dosimetry Decryption is MRT 27581 IVIEWGT,LINAC SPECIFIC LICENSE ACTIVATION, MATH RESOLUTIONS.   The license is not for iCom, it is for iViewGT.



As the Elekta dll files were written in C#, we could not use our extensive C++ library of functions.  Consequently the program starts out as a program in a command prompt window.  Further, the program does not work with the prior Elekta EPID iViewGT data base, so you must continue to use IviewToDicom for that.  Note that the file IviewGTDirectory.loc is compatible with both programs, so that you can have both an older iViewGT system and the newer one.


Installation Instructions:


Install Zip file:

Unzip the file into the folder c:\mathresolutions or where ever Dosimetry Check was installed.

Install the Intersolv Dbase Drivers provided by Elekta

Run the program setup.exe that is in the folder IntersolvDBaseDriversInstaller.d.

If you do not have the driver installed, you will get the error message:

Unhandled Exception: System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'IviewReader.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E).

Install Microsoft Distributables for 2013

If you still get the above error message, install the Microsoft distributables for 2013.   We have provided in sub-folder VCredist2013_x86.d the install program vcredist_x86.exe that was downloaded from the Microsoft website.



You must add an entry to the existing file IviewGTDirectory.loc to point to the folder where the 3.4.1 iViewGT data base is (the folder that has .dbf files such as PATIENT.DBF).  The file IviewGTDirectgory.loc is in the program resources directory (pointed to by the file rlresources.dir.loc in the current directory holding the Dosimetry Check install), the resources directory normally the folder c:\mathresolutions\rl.dir.   A copy of the file will be in c:\mathresolutions\ExampleFiles.d for you to move to rl.dir and edit if you don’t have an existing file.  The file is self documenting.


An example file is shown below:


/* file format version */   3

/* number of systems to follow */   2

/*  for each system the follow must follow:  */


  // description of system.

  <*Elekta example *>


  //   path to the iviewGT files where PATIENT.DBF is:

  // if space in path, surround text string with <* to *>



  //   translation of L, M, H, energy designations:

     L    6

     M    10

     H    15


  // directory for calibration images.



  // directory for pre-treatment images



  // directory for exit images



  // folder for inclinometer file





  // description of the second system in this example.

  <*Ironwood example *>


  //   path to the iviewGT files where PATIENT.DBF is:

  // if space in path, surround text string with <* to *>



  //   translation of L, M, H, energy designations:

     L    6

     M    10

     H    15


  // directory for calibration images.



  // directory for pre-treatment images



  // directory for exit images



  // folder for inclinometer file



The file follows the ASCII file format where // to end of line is a comment that the program does not read, and /* to */ is a comment that the program does not read.  Data is separated by white space, and <* to *> defines a text string to be read as a single item.


The entries L, M, and H are not  use by the new program, but are there for compatibility with IviewToDicom which also reads this file.   Nor is the inclinometer required as the new data base will provide the gantry angles for VMAT images. 


The new iViewGT data base evidently appears to have a provision for a user name and password.   Should that be the case, the above IviewGTDirectory.loc file can be converted to file format version 4, and then add two text strings after the inclinometer data for each iViewGT entry: 

<*user_name*>  <*pass_word*>  

To read a version 4 file IviewToDicom must be updated and is included in the zip file.  Note to date, Elekta has not implemented a requirement for a user name and password and providing one will cause the interface to not work.


If you are not using AutoRunDC, the cal, pre, and exit folders entries can be empty:

<**> but the entries must be there.


Gantry Angles for IMAT (VMAT)

In the older iView version, one would hit iCom to download the fields. Then you would close iCom and turn on movie collection.


On 3.4.1, hit iCom and leave it there.  If you close iCom, you will break the iCom connection and not get gantry information.  Open, the iView system will automatically communicate with the LINAC in real time and pull in the gantry angles. After the beam has been delivered, then you can close the iCom. Then repeat this process for each beam (arc). After that archive as you would before.  There is a very brief mention of this in the iView manual, but it is not clear.


ReadIviewQAData.exe will automatically combine images into composite images within 5 degree increments.  The gantry angles are read from the file _Frame.xml in the iView data base.

Example path:

You want to see this:

not this:

        <PixelFactor>0.0813101</PixelFactor>      Note pixel factor is not
        <gantryAngle>-999.90002</gantryAngle>     encrypted but there is no
        <CumulativeBeamMU>0.0</CumulativeBeamMU>  valid gantry angle.



Gantry Angle Spacing for IMAT (VMAT)

The iViewGT system will create images for single frames.   Each frame will be of the order of 2 degrees in rotation (from a single observation).   This will result in a large number of beams to compute since Dosimetry Check creates a beam for each image at the gantry angle of the beam.  The rotation of an arc is simulated by fixed beams at the gantry angles the images are integrated at.


The number of images, hence beams, may be reduced by combining frames close in angle.   The spacing is specified in the program resources file IMATGantryAngleSpacing.  A listing of an example file is shown below:


/* format version */ 1

// file to default minimum spacing of IMAT images by gantry angle in degrees



Note that a file with the contents of simply:

 1  6 

 will be read the same.  The format version is an integer, the value of which the user does not change as this number defines the contents of the file that is to follow to the program.  The angle spacing is a floating point number.  6 or 6.0 will be read the same.  Fractional numbers are allowed such as 5.4.  The program simply continues to combine frames that define an iViewGT image as long as the angle spanned is less than or equal to the number specified in the file.


If the file does not exist, a default value of 5 degrees is assumed.  As an example, if the frames are 2 degrees apart and the value is 5 degrees, then two frames will span 4 degrees whereas three frames will span 6 degrees.  As 6 degrees is greater than 5 degrees, two frames will be combine that will span 4 degrees to make an integrated image.  The total number of images for a 360 degree rotation will then be 360/4 = 90 images.  Increasing the angle spacing to 6 as shown in the above example file will result in a smaller number of images produced.   Trial and error will have to be relieved upon to produce a satisfactory number of images for a rotation.  More images will increase the resolution of the calculation in regard to simulating a rotation, but will also increase the computational time.  We recommend a span of about 5 degrees, which might require the number set to 6 in the file.


It should be noted that as the plan is not read by this program, it is not known if images are for a VMAT arc or for stationary beams.  All frames found for the same image will be combined according to the spacing in gantry angle.   Since an IMRT beam does not rotate, all its frames will be combined into a single integrated image.


Please note that after importing IMAT images into Dosmetry Check, that images can be combined to create a smaller number of images for computation.  Select the beam to be edited on the Plan Toolbar, and under the Options pull down on the Beam Toolbar, select “Select IMAT images spacing...”.  Review Beams in the Dosmetry Check reference manual for this feature.


Running program ReadIviewQAData.exe

You will need a new license to run this program.  If you don’t have a license, the program will display the computer ID and prompt you to enter a license key.


You can run from DosimetryCheckTasks (but first time recommend you run from a command prompt window you bring up so that you will see all error messages):



Or bring up a command prompt window, either from “Other Utilities” on the above or run from the start menu and type in ReadIviewGTData.exe as a command.


Example run of the program:

And example is shown below:


ReadIviewGTData version:  Version 1, Release 2, 15 Jan 2018


Gantry angle spacing minimum for IMAT from file


  is 6.0 degrees


Index     iViewGT description:

1  Elekta example

2  Ironwood example

Select iViewGT system by index number: 2

patient count = 2


Index           Patient:

1 Kxxxxxxx, KENT   197493

2 Pxxxxxxx, ROBERT   331830


Select patient by index:


you entered 2


For patient: Pxxxxxx, ROBERT   331830

Treatment sessions:


1 20170819 LLL lung_mediastinum

2 20170824 LLL lung_mediastinum

Select treatment by index:



If there are more than 50 patients, the program will stop scrolling after every 50 patients and give you the opportunity to select a patient or to continue to list the patients.


You will then get the application window shown below.   Any single images or IMRT images will be in the first screen under the plan name.  VMAT images will be shown in the further screens under the name of each beam (arc).  Below the beams were named simply 1 and 2.

Composite images and not shown for VMAT, nor individual segments for IMRT images as is done in IviewToDicom.



The VMAT images for beam 1 of the above case:



One of the VMAT frames selected to be full screen shown below.  The label is beam name (1 in this case), followed by the image number, followed by the segment number, followed by the gantry angle.  The frames are added together so that the images are in approximately 5 degree sub-arcs (frames closer than 5 degrees to each other are added, reducing the number of sub-arcs).



Below is an example of IMRT images:


ReadIviewGTData version:  Version 1, Release 2, 15 Jan 2018


Gantry angle spacing minimum for IMAT from file


  is 6.0 degrees


1  Elekta example

2  Ironwood example

Select iViewGT system by index number: 1

patient count = 3


Index     Patients:

1 BTN_Thorax, FFS   000000445

2 cal   Deliver Stored Beam

3 Deliver Quick Beam   Deliver Quick Beam

Select patient by index:


you entered 1



For patient: BTN_Thorax, FFS   000000445

Treatment sessions:

Index      Treatments

1 20150227 7Field IMRT no struc

2 20150227 VMAT off Centre no S

3  20150301 VMAT 2 Arcs

4  20150301 VMAT Spine FFF

5  20150301 VMAT 6MV FFF

6  20150301 VMAT off Centre no S

7  20150301 VMAT off Centre

8  20150301 IMRT 6MV FFF

9  20150301 7Field IMRT no struc

10  20150301 7Field IMRT

11  20150301 Simple 3D

12  20150301 Off Centre IMRT

13  20150716 VMAT 2 Arcs

14  20150806 Simple 3D

15  20150824 VMAT Spine FFF

Select treatment by index:




Output Folder Directory:

Single and IMRT images will go into the directory:


And VMAT images will be in a sub-folder by the beam name.



With two sub-folders 71.d and 72.d (in an example not shown above).