On Linux systems, this program uses the radiation therapy library file librlmrl.so. This file must be moved or copied to /usr/lib or /usr/lib32. On Windows systems, programs are compilied into a single executable with no shared or dynamic libraries.
The X resource file is DosimetryCheckRes and must reside either in the home directory or in /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults. The Field Dose resource file FieldDoseRes and the System2100Res resource files are also needed. If the resource files are only in the home directory, then the user must log into the home directory for the program to successfully find the resource files. This is an X function, and X generates no error messages if a resource file cannot be found. If the X resource files are not found, the program will show the Widget names for labels on buttons, and needed sizing information will be missing. A toolbar cannot show up.
The entry run time file is DosimetryCheckTasks and can be invoked from the keyboard or the desktop. The program uses the System2100 program resources file system and looks for the file rlresources.dir.loc to locate where the program resource directory is. From DosimetryCheckTasks, other executables are invoked.
Program ReadDicomCheck is provided to read in plans exported in Dicom RT.
Program ReadRtogCheck is provided to read in treatment plans written in RTOG format. The RTOG protocol has become obsolete. This is a ASCII program and is invoked with the flag -d followed by the directory where the RTOG files are. For example: ReadRtogCheck -d rtog.dir. This program is described in a separate section in this manual.
ConvertEPIDImages and ConvertIMATImages are executables for processing EPID images. Other convert executables are available for ion and diode array devices (MapCheck, Matrixx, PTW729, and Siemens EPID images.
Data files are stored in the directory located by the file DataDir.loc in the program resources directory (see Sysem2100 documentation). Subdirectories used are:
1. CalDCur.d for storing calibration curves.
2. CalFieldDose.d for storing ion chamber and diode calibration files.
3. DenCur.d for storing pixel to density conversion curves.
4. DeconvKernels.d for storing EPID deconvolution files.
5. StSp.d for storing step strip files.
Specific files of interest in the program resources directory are listed below.
Of interest are the location files ending in .loc. These files define the path to particular files or folders that the program uses. Of particular interest will be the files defining where downloaded files are to go: InclineDirectory.loc, NewDicomRTDirectory.loc, NewEPIDImagesDirectory.loc, NewImagesDirectory.loc,
and where the patient directory is: PatientDirectory.loc.
The above location files specify the starting point where a file selection dialog will start at. The user can type in a new path in the filter line.
A list of location files follows:
1. BeamData.loc that locates where beam data is stored.
2. CalFileDirectory.loc: locates were EPID calibration files can be found.
3. DataDir.loc, specifying the location of the above data directory.
4. InclineDirectory.loc: stores default location for inclinometer generated files.
5. IviewGTDirectory.loc: stores path to the Elekta IviewGT systems (more than one).
6. Kernels.loc specifies where Monte Carlo calculated kernels are stored.
7. NewDicomRTDirectory.loc: default location for plan downloads.
8. NewEPIDImagesDirectory.loc: default location for EPID image downloads.
9. NewImagesDirectory.loc: default location for other new image downloads.
10. PatientDirectory.loc: default location for the patient folders.
11. PatientReports.loc: specifies where patient reports are to go.
12. Programs.loc: locates where other executables are stored (normally tools.dir).
13. gs.loc: specifies the path to the GhostScrip executable.
14. gsview.loc: specifies the path to the gsview executable (for viewing PostScript files).
15. language.dir.loc: specifies location of program resources files related to a specific language.
16. ps.dir.loc: specifies the location of the program resources files are for generating PostScript files.
17. tmp.dir.loc: specifies the folder to use for temporary files created by the program.
Other files that might be of interest:
Several utilities are provided for testing.
Program ComputePolyCAFiles will compute the dose for the same central axis points used to generate the pencil kernel. A report file is written and stored in the beam data directory under the energy selected (see Beam Data Files).
Program CreateSquareCTScan will generate a simulated CT scan that is square in shape. Square or circular regions of inhomogeneity may be created inside the water density square. The result may be used to create a stacked image set for testing purposes.
Program GenerateFieldDoseImage will simulate a measured x-ray field by computing the same from a beam model. Rectangular and asymmetric fields may be generated. Shielding blocks can be simulated as well. The format for a block to be read by program GenerateFieldDoseImage is specified here with the example file:
80.0 .039
0.80 3.20
-0.80 3.20
-0.80 -3.20
0.80 -3.20
0.80 3.20
The first number is the distance that the block contour is defined at. Next follows the transmission through the block. Next is the number of block contour points. This is to be followed with the required number of data pairs, x,y coordinates in cm, where the origin is at the central axis. This file is not read under the ASCII file standard in that comments are not supported.