MapCheck Diode Array


Run program ConvertMapCheckImages to read in the export files from the MapCheck diode array.  This program functions identically to the ConvertVarianEPIDImages program with the exception that it is always assumed that the off axis ratio is part of the image.  In other words, that the MapCheck device is not corrected for a flood view as an EPID would be.  The second assumption is that it is always 100 cm to the detectors.  Write files out in “Absolute Dose” mode.


The calibration of the MapCheck device does not matter if you always take a 10x10 cm field image for a known monitor unit setting.  Use the 10x10 image to calibrate your IMRT fields to RMU.


With out any material added to the MapCheck, a deconvolution kernel is probably not needed.  However, if you take images with added material, you will need to fit a kernel for that circumstance.  For 6x you can get away without adding any material.