Testing Utilities...................................................................................................................................................... 1


Testing Utilities

Several utilities are provided for testing purposes.


Program ComputePolyCAFiles will compute the dose for the same central axis points used to generate the pencil kernel.  A report file is written and stored in the beam data directory under the energy selected (see Beam Data Files).


Program CreateSquareCTScan will generate a simulated CT scan that is square in shape.  Square or circular regions of inhomogeneity may be created inside the water density square.  The result may be used to create a stacked image set for testing purposes.


Program GenerateFieldDoseImage will simulate a measured x-ray field by computing the same from a beam model.  Rectangular and asymmetric fields may be generated.  Shielding blocks can be simulated as well.  The format for a block to be read by program GenerateFieldDoseImage is specified here with the example file:


80.0  .039  5

 0.80  3.20

-0.80  3.20

-0.80 -3.20

 0.80 -3.20

 0.80  3.20


The first number is the distance that the block contour is defined at.  Next follows the transmission through the block.  Next is the number of block contour points.  This is to be followed with the required number of data pairs, x,y coordinates in cm, where the origin is at the central axis.  This file is not read under the ASCII file standard in that comments are not supported.


Program AnalyzeBeam will compare measured and computed beam data.  The program will read in a scan file whose scan data has been normalized to cG/mu.  The program will also read in a 3d dose matrix dumped from RtDosePlan.  Statistics will be computed for points in the inner beam, outer beam, buildup, and penumbra regions.  Measured and computed profiles may be plotted out.