
Dec 7, 2018


DrawGraph is a utility program to plot data.   The program is normally in the folder tools.dir and the program resources location file rlresources.dir.loc must be in the folder that is the current directory where one is invoking the program from.   So you would normally type:

tools.dir\DrawGraph.exe   file_for_the_plot.txt


The arguments are a list of files to be plotted and each must be the path to the text file:

DrawGraph.exe   file_name1   file_name2   etc.




The name of a file that contains a list of files to be plotted:


 DrawGraph   -f   file_with_list_of_files  

       file with list of files  to be in the same directory as the files to be plotted with just the name of each file in the list.


The plot files are text files.  The first line contains the format version of the file which is currently 1.  The file does NOT follow the ASCII file standard for System2100.


Example graph text file:



Compare Deconvolution Kernels

Field Size cm

0  30  5.0  0


0.80  1.30  0.1  1


COLOR 255  0   0


1.0         1.282091

1.2         1.226676

1.5          1.20




Description of above file format:


Format version number, currently 1

Title of the graph.

The X axis label.

Start of x scale, stop of scale, increment in labels, number of decimals to show after the decimal point.

Y axis label.

Start of y scale, stop of scale, increment in labels, number of decimals to show.


The data is to follow: one x, y pair per line.  Any text on the line after Y is ignored.

An empty line to separate data list.


You can put a line with DOTTED or SOLID between data sets with blank line before and after.

Same for COLOR, PLOT, and COMMENT below.


Put PLOT to signal just to plot a point for each x,y data pair.


Put COLOR followed by an integer for red, green, and blue for the color, where each is an integer 0 to 255.  Any text after blue is ignored.  The default is black: 0 0 0.


Put COMMENT followed by text to document your file.


Put FACTORX  value    such as

FACTORX   0.56

Sets a factor to multiply all x values by until set to something else. Example here is 1.8.  Default is 1.0


FACTORY  value   Sets a factor to multiply all y values by until set to something else.  Default is 1.0.


ADDX  value

ADDY  value

Will add the value to all x and or y of all following data pairs.  Default is zero.


The program multiplies by the factor first, then adds the add value.


You may have multiple sets of x,y data pairs separated by blank lines.  Use COLOR to change the color of each plot.   SOLID or DOTTED to plot a solid line or a dotted line.  PLOT to put single points for each data pair. 


Any thing set remains so until set to something different.