Installation Notes... 1

Single Machine Strategy. 1

Network of Machines Strategy. 2

X Resource File. 2

Shared Library File. 2

Program Resource Location Files. 2

Setting up the printer resource files. 3

Setting the default que name. 3

Listing other available printer ques. 3

Alternative to a Postscript Printer 3

Printer que specific files. 3

Printer language specific files. 4


Installation Notes

Specific installation and loading instructions should be provided with the media or form in which you receive the software.  After loading the software you will have to deal with the program resource file locators covered below, and with setting up the program to print to your Post Script printer, also covered below.


The program is invoked by running the file System2100.  The program is linked with the shared library which must be in /usr/lib.  The program is an X/Motif program and X must be able to find the X/Motif resource file System2100Res.  The program will also look in the current directory for the file rlresources.dir.loc which will tell the program where a directory is that holds resource files specific to this application.


The requirements are then that the file rlresources.dir.loc reside in the current directory when the program file System2100 is invoked.  The X resource file System2100Res must be in the home directory, in the /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults directory, or in a directory pointed to by an X environment variable.  The directory pointed to by the entry in the file rlresources.dir.loc contains files ending in the letters “loc” and entries in those files must provide the path to the directories and files that they point to.  These requirements are covered in more detail below.

Single Machine Strategy.

For a one user one machine environment it would be sufficient to simply load the program file into the home directory.  The file rlresources.dir.loc would be in the same home directory.  Those two files could also go into a subdirectory with the user doing a cd into that directory before invoking the program.  The X resource file System2100Res would reside in the home directory or in the /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults directory.


If more than one user is to log into this same machine, than either all users can log into the same home directory, or each user’s home directory will have to have a copy of the rlresources.dir.loc file.  Customization for each user can be achieved by having the entry in the file rlresources.dir.loc point to a different directory.  If the X resource file System2100Res is in the directory /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults, than the file will always be found.

Network of Machines Strategy.

With several machines tied together there are several strategies that can be used.  Each machine could simply have its own copy of the program and resource files.  However, the location files could point to common NFS mounted file systems, for example, the patient directory.  The executable copy could also reside on a common NFS mounted file system.  It is only necessary that each user have the file rlresources.dir.loc in the current directory the user is to be in when the program is invoked, and that some means exist for X to find the X resource file System2100Res.  The System2100Res could either reside in the home directory of each user, reside in the /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults directory on each computer, or could reside in a common NFS mounted directory with an X environment variable for each user set to point to that directory.

X Resource File

The X resource file for the program is System2100Res.  The X system must be able to find this file which typically needs to be in either the home directory or in the /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults directory.  In Unix there are also environment variables that can be set to print to directories to look for X resource files.  Among these are XFILESEARCHPATH and XAPPLRESDIR.

Shared Library File

The file must be moved or copied to the directory /usr/lib.

Program Resource Location Files

A list of files used by the program is include in the next section Program Resource Files.  Specific tailoring can be done in those files but probably will never be necessary.  Here however we are concerned with those files ending in the letters “loc”.  These files tell the program where to find other needed program files and directories.  When the program is installed, these files will locate files and directories relative to the home directory.  As long as the program is run from the home directory this will work.  However, if it is desired to be able to run the program from logins with other home directories, than these locations files should contain an absolute path to the files and directories that they point to rather then a path relative to the home directory.  Files and directories located with a location file can therefore be placed anywhere in the computer file system as long as the program has read access to those files.  Write access is needed to the patient directory.


The locator files are:

·        rlresources.dir.loc:  This file must be in the current path when the program is invoked.  It contains the path to the directory where the program’s resource files can be found.  But these resource files do not include the X resource file System2100Res.

·        NewImagesDirectory.loc:  This file contains the path to where received DICOM image files can be found on the system.  DICOM receive should be set up to create subdirectories for different patients.

·        PatientDirectory.loc:  The file contains the path to the patient directory.

·        Programs.loc:  This file contains the path to the directory where other utility programs are kept.

·        language.dir.loc:  Contains the path to where resource files are kept that are language dependent.

·        Within the language specific directory there is the file HelpDirectory.loc which contains the location of the Help files.

·        ps.dir.loc:  Contains the path to where information specific to the Post Script printers on the system are to be found.

·        tmp.dir.loc:  Contains the path to a directory that can be used for storing temporary files.  Note that the program will purge old files from this directory, so nothing permanent can be kept there.  All files to be printed are written to this directory.

Setting up the printer resource files.

Printers are driven from print ques.  Print jobs, consisting of a file to be printed, are submitted to the print que.  The program needs to know the names of the available printer ques, and which que is to be the default que.

Below you will have to modify some files, where below “QueName” is to be replaced with the actual printer que name:

·        default.que is optional.

·        que_name_list is required.

·        QueName.resource is required.

·        QueName.leader and QueName.trailer are optional.

·        QueName.lang_prologue is optional.

·        QueName.fontlist is required.

Setting the default que name.

The default que name is specified in the file default.que.  This file is in the resource file directory, not the directory for files specific to the Post Script printer.  In this location different users could have different ques as the default.

Listing other available printer ques.

In the directory for other Post Script files, the list of available printer ques are listed in the file que_name_list.  If the above file default.que does not exist, than the first entry in this file becomes the default que name.  The default printer que name in file default.que must also be in this list.  Different users can use the same Post Script specific directory and yet have a different default que since the default.que file is in the program resource directory.

Alternative to a Postscript Printer

On Windows machines, use the que name of “UseAdobe”.  The program will then pipe the postscript file to GhostScript to convert to a pdf file. Then the pdf file will be piped to the Adobe Reader which you can use as a print review and print to the system printer from there.

Printer que specific files.

A particular printer may have particular characteristics.  For each printer que there must be a file QueName.resource, where QueName is replaced by the actual que name, such as lp0.resource.  In this file the size of the printer’s print area is defined.  This file may have to be edited for a specific Post Script printer.


Some printers may need specific commands to put them into Post Script mode.  The file QueName.leader is provided for this purpose.  What ever is in this file is simply appended to the front of any print job.  For example, HP printers may have a job language command such as:


(escape) %-12345X@PJL JOB



This file is optional, it does not need to exist.


Likewise, the end of a print job might require some printer specific command.  For this purpose we have an optional QueName.trailer file.  For the above HP printer we would have in this file:


(escape) %-12345X@PJL EOJ



What ever is in this file is appended to the end of each print job.  This file is also optional and need not exist.

Printer language specific files.

In this directory are files specific to the language being used.  The directory name is built from the entry in the ps.language file, which will normally contain the entry “English”, with the directory name therefore becoming English.dir.


For each printer que there must be a QueName.fontlist file which list the names of the fonts available to be used and an abbreviation here assigned to each font name.  Normally the font list file provided with this program can simply be copied.  A problem would only arise if a font were not available, but that is not likely because the fonts initially used are very common.  The abbreviations are referred to in the program specific files in this same directory.  Either the abbreviations can be reassigned in the font list file or new abbreviations assigned and used in the program specific file.


In this directory there is an optional file called QueName.lang_prologue.  In this file would go any needed additions to the Post Script file, such as loading a font.  The contents of this file will be added after the above leader file.  This file need not exist.