Math Resolutions, LLC

Software Products for the Radiological Sciences


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Dosimetry Check MarkRT (VGRT) RtDosePlan System 2100 MillComp C++ Library

Download Program Software for SGI IRIX Systems

You can download the programs to your system here. But you will not be able to run any program without a license key. You can apply for a 60 day trial period license key, or proceed to buy or lease the software. Go back to the main page to select applying for a 60 day license key or to order the product. Your SGI system must be running 6.2 or later.

Follow the instructions below for the download of each product.

For System2100, DosimetryCheck, RtDosePlan, VGRT, and MillComp, you must download a shared library.
Download the shared library.

Download System 2100.
Download Dosimetry Check.
Download RtDosePlan.
Download MillComp.
Download VGRT.

Installation Instructions

Print this page. From the download you will get a tape archive file (tar format) that has been compressed with gzip (but we had to put on the .exe extension to keep your browser from trying to display the file). Create a directory on your Silicon Graphics computer from which you will run these programs. Move the files downloaded here into that directory. You will need to rename the file as shown below with mv, and then you will need to uncompress (gunzip) the tape archive file and extract files (tar) from the tar file. You can then delete the tar files (rm) as shown below:

Uncompress and extract files from the tape archieve file. Type these commands:

for System 2100:                    for DosimetryCheck:

mv  systargz.exe  systar.gz         mv  dctargz.exe  dctar.gz
gunzip systar.gz                    gunzip dctar.gz
tar -xvf systar                     tar -xvf dctar
rm systar                           rm dctar

for MillComp:                       for RtDosePlan:

mv  miltargz.exe  miltar.gz         mv  rttargz.exe  rttar.gz
gunzip miltar.gz                    guzip  rttar.gz
tar -xvf miltar                     tar -xvf rttar
rm miltar                           rm   rttar

for the shared library:             For VGRT:

mv  libtargz.exe libtar.gz          mv vttargz.exe vttar.gz
guzip libtar.gz                     gunzip vttar.gz
tar -xvf libtar                     tar -xvf vttar
rm libtar                           rm vttar
su (change to super-user)
#mv  /usr/lib
#mv  /usr/lib

Next move files: You must have system administration privilege (super-user). You will get a # sign prompt instead of % sign prompt. Type su to change to super-user, but don't forget to exit when done.

Then move (mv) or copy (cp) each of the X resource files that might have come with the above operations. You must copy each of System2100Res, FieldDoseRes, and DosimetryCheckRes for DosimetryCheck, and in addition RtDosePlanRes for RtDosePlan.

ls *Res
mv System2100Res        /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults
mv FieldDoseRes         /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults
mv DosimetryCheckRes    /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults
mv RtDosePlanRes        /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults
mv MillCompRes          /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults
mv GEExtractToDicomRes  /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults
mv VGRTRes              /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults

When typing commands, always verify that the command was correctly executed. Do this by listing the contents of the directory to see that the files were copied as expected.
Example, type: ls -l /usr/lib or ls -l /usr/lib/libr*. And ls -l /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/*Res. If you type the directory name wrong above, the file will end up with the name you typed one directory above where you expected it to go.

Notes: Note that you could leave the X resource files such as "System2100Res", "FieldDoseRes", "DosimetryCheckRes", "VGRTRes", "RtDosePlanRes", and "MillCompRes" in your home directory, but you would only be able to run programs if you logged into that directory. The X system must be able to find these resource files for programs to run successfully. X does not report an error message if it cannot find a resource file. The programs will not come up proper window size or with proper text if X does not pick up the resource files. Further details that you might need will be in the install section of the user's manual but you have done enough to run the program.

In the directory where you loaded the software run the program by typing in its name, such as DosimetryCheck (or ./DosimetryCheck if your current directory is not in your search path for commands). You can use the SGI desktop to create an on screen icon. The program will ask you to enter your license key.

All programs will look for the file rlresources.dir.loc in your current directory that tells the program what directory other program resource files can be found in. All the file names ending in .loc currently contain a path relative to the home directory. You might want to change those to an absolute path if you plan on running programs from other directories. There is a loc file in rl.dir/English.d as well.

Printers: We only print to Post Script printers. Check the manual on how to set up for your printer. Look in file default.que. This is where you tell our software the name of the default printer que you want to use. Then look in rl.dir/ps.dir. List all your ques in file que_name_list. We are currently assuming the name of lp0. The files that start with lp0 must start with the name of your printer que instead. If you have only one que just rename those files. Otherwise copy them. For example:

cp  lp0.resource  que_name.resource 

HP Post Scrip printers may need the lp0.leader and lp0.trailer files that command a change in printing language to PostScript. Just rename or copy these files using the name of the printer que. They contain commands to put the HP printer into Post Script mode. If the commands are not needed, rename the files to something that will not be used (or delete them).

Now go down one directory to English.dir. Rename or copy lp0.fontlist to que_name.fontlist, one file for each printer que you have set up. You probably will not have to change the contents of lp0.fontlist or lp0.resource.

If having trouble moving large files between computers that are not networked together try this: To download dos utilities. These utilities will split large files so that then can be moved on a floppy.

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5975 Gales Lane, Columbia, MD 21045
© copyright 2001 by Math Resolutions, LLC